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Содержание https://www.darkweblist.com/forums/topic/hello-how-can-i-solve-this-problem/#post-4705


Like other battle royale games, Fortnite Battle Royale places players in a grand battle on a vast map - singly or in groups of two to four. The task of the players is to eliminate or avoid other players until only one winner (or group) remains on the map. The game forces players to interact, gradually reducing the "safe" zone available to them, going beyond which can lead to loss of health and death of the character. To gain an advantage over opponents, players must look for weapons and items scattered around the map. The game borrows from Fortnite the ability to build structures - players can destroy various objects and structures in the game and use the materials obtained to build new ones. The game allows players from different platforms - PCs, consoles and mobile devices - to play on the same map with each other in a limited way.

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Список литературы https://www.darkweblist.com/forums/topic/hello-how-can-i-solve-this-problem/#post-4705


Like other battle royale games, Fortnite Battle Royale places players in a grand battle on a vast map - singly or in groups of two to four. The task of the players is to eliminate or avoid other players until only one winner (or group) remains on the map. The game forces players to interact, gradually reducing the "safe" zone available to them, going beyond which can lead to loss of health and death of the character. To gain an advantage over opponents, players must look for weapons and items scattered around the map. The game borrows from Fortnite the ability to build structures - players can destroy various objects and structures in the game and use the materials obtained to build new ones. The game allows players from different platforms - PCs, consoles and mobile devices - to play on the same map with each other in a limited way.

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